Right in Two

by tool

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:47 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


10,000 Days

Song Author


Tabbed by

The Mandalic & Maitinin (JSF) - call us "The Mandinin" : )


1st → Bass
2nd → Guitar
3rd → Drums
4th → Add. Guitar
5th → Add. Guitar
6th → [sound effects]
7th → Vocal
8th → [sound effects]
9th → [sound effects]

File Size

212 KB




An-gels on the side-line Puzz-led and a- mused Why did Fa-ther give these hu-mans free will? Now they're all con-fused Don't these talk-ing mon-keys know that E-den has e-nough to go a-round? Plen-ty in this ho-ly gar-den Si-lly mon-keys, where there's one you're bound to di-vide it Right in two An-gels on the side-line Ba-ffled and con-fused Fa-ther blessed them all with rea-son And this is what they choose? (This is what they choose?) Mon-key kill-ing mon-key kill- ing mon-key O-ver pie-ces of the ground Si-lly mon-keys, give them thumbs, they forge a blade And where there's one they're bound to di-vide it Right in two Right in two Mon-key ki-lling mon-key ki-lling mon-key O-ver pie-ces of the ground Si-lly mon-keys, give them thumbs, they make a club and beat their bro-ther down How they sur-vive so mis-gui-ded is a my-ste-ry Re-pug-nant is a crea-ture who would squan-der the a-bi-li-ty to lift an eye to hea-ven Con-scious of his fleet-ing time here Cut it right all, right in two Cut it right all, right in two Cut it right all, right in two Cut it right all, right in two Fight for the cloud, o-ver earth, o-ver sky and Fight o-ver lie, o-ver blood, o-ver air and Fight o-ver love, o-ver sun, o-ver no-thing Pray for they die for the ones who are ri-sing An-gels on the side-line a-gain Been so long with pa-tience and rea-son An-gels on the side-line a-gain Won-d'ring when this tug of war will end Cut it right all, right in two Cut it right all, right in two Cut it right all, right in two Right in two Right in two


[The Mandalic:] About the song: Well, this is one of the Tool songs where bass and guitar mix up so well that you could get tricked (not to mention Danny creating notes with his electronics)... so this is not 100% accurate. [Maitinin:] But at least 99%! [The Mandalic on bass] I firmly believe Justin uses the "Gate Pan" mode from his Flanger on this song (and NOT a tremolo, like you can find or hear at some places... even though it would work). It just makes more sense, considering he uses it right before he switches everything off, bars 114-120. [Maitinin on the guitars] There are recorded 3 guitar tracks for this song. But when two guitars play the same, we've indicated it on the same track. When they differ from eachother, we've notated the other part/parts on the "Add. Guitar" tracks. For the clean part there are two guitars, one panned in either side. For the Chorus and other heavy parts all three guitars play the same (unless something else is notated of course). That's one panned in either side and one panned in the middle. [The Mandalic:] And, last but not least, a big up for Maitinin who helped finishing this tab (I gave it up once). So buy him some food or pay him a drink: He chose the bars colors and the size of the file... na, just kidding : ). Thanx Mate ! [Maitinin:] No problem :P Peace out! The Mandinin PS: Don't even bother write us about the Tabla solo unless you know how to play it: We know it's not accurate ! ___________________________________________ My tabs are not meant to be carbon copies of the songs they're based on : I do add stuff and change things sometimes. It's just my version of the songs in a way : )... Oh, yeah : I AM NO DRUMMER!!! So consider the drumming as a bonus (good or bad)... or tab it yourself : ). [Maitinin:] But he did an awsome job here! Mes tablatures ne sont pas de copies conformes de chansos sur lequelles elles sont bas�es : Parfois je change ou je rajoute des trucs. Ce sont mes versions en quelques sorte : )... Ah, oui : JE NE SUIS PAS BATTEUR!!! Considerez la batterie plus comme un bonus (bon ou mauvais)... Sinon, faitez le vous m�me : ). [Maitinin:] Same in Spanish! [The Mandalic:] Hey that's French you : p...